Friday, May 7, 2010

18 weeks 2 days, 1 week until the big ultrasound!

Well another week closer to seeing Baby Swan for the first time on ultrasound!  Since Kevin's leaving all the pregnancy stuff to me, I'll fill you all in.  Baby swan is roughly the size of a sweet potato or a little bigger than 5.5 inches from head to rump!  He/She is busy yawning, hiccuping, swallowing, sucking, punching, kicking and moving around.  Baby swan also might almost be big enough for me to start feeling him/her...I've felt a few things that might be Baby Swan, but so far nothing that I'm positive about.  You better believe I will let everyone know when I'm actually feeling something I'm sure about!  I can't wait to start really feeling this baby move around. 

Our ultrasound is one week from today and I can't wait to see Baby Swan.  I think it will help this whole process seem so much more real and will be so fun to see our baby.  Kevin and I have tossed around and talked about a few names but nothing serious, we are waiting to find out what Baby Swan is!  I'm also getting antsy to start working on the nursery, registering for things we need and filling our empty nursery with things in preparation for Baby Swan.  I think we will definitely start doing this after the ultrasound next week. 

Not much else to report.  I'm in the middle of my long stretch of days at work and just working for my weekend which starts on Monday!  The weather is cold and gloomy today and it's not supposed to be that nice for the weekend, so it won't be such a bad thing to be inside at work.  We also have Kevin's cousin Bo and his girlfriend staying with us this weekend, so lots of family time and hanging out with relatives we don't get to see very often.  Looking forward to a relaxing weekend and some fun time with family!

1 comment:

  1. Can you believe in one week you will know if you're going to have a son or daughter?? Ahhh so crazy! I can't wait to hear what Baby Swan is and if Luke will be allowed or not to play with Baby Swan in 15 years. :)
    Let me know if you need anything!
