Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Christmas in July!

I ordered the crib bedding last week while we were in Chicago.  I have been looking at bedding forever and have continually gone back to this one bedding set, but wasn't convinced it was the perfect set.  It's from the Land of Nod and while we were in Chicago for Kevin's birthday I had only one request, to go to the store and see if they had this bedding in stock so I could see it in person.  Much to my dismay, they didn't have the bedding.  I decided to bite the bullet and order it online in hopes that I would like it as much in person as I did online.  I have a really hard time spending money on a lot of things, especially things I don't think are totally necessary, but I have expensive taste too and once I have my mind set on something it's hard to change, which always gets me in a predicament.  This bedding set seemed to be perfect though, so I decided our son deserved some awesome bedding and ordered it.  Ever since hitting the order button I've been anxiously awaiting it to arrive!  Over the weekend while at my cabin I was constantly checking the shipping status, only to keep seeing it would arrive today.  Work couldn't have gone any slower today, I was like a little kid at Christmas, waiting for my package to arrive!  I got home to find the much awaited Land of Nod box on our front doorstep.  After letting Kona outside, I quickly ran to open the package...it was everything I had hoped it would be, but something still didn't feel right.  I wasn't as excited about it initially as I thought I would be.  I took it out of the packaging and into the nursery hoping I would feel differently.  This is the other thing I have a habit of doing, making some perfect in my mind and then being disappointed when it's not exactly how I thought it would be.  The thing is I LOVE this bedding, it is everything I wanted in nursery bedding; it's modern, it's colorful; it's gender neutral and not babyish, so why the disappointment?  In my head I had the nursery complete, all the pieces in place, and decorations on the wall.  Our awesome bedding is a little less awesome without all the things I want to add to it.  With an empty crib and bare neutral walls, the bedding just doesn't do everything it could.  So now I'm on to the next stage...waiting to add the accessories to the nursery to make it just how I envisioned it!  I think Kevin thinks I'm crazy and I can admit that I've probably taking the nursery decorating a little too seriously, but I love to try and make the vision in my head come true and this is no exception.  So I continue to wait for the nursery to be complete.  I ordered the crib mattress last week as well and can't wait for it to get here so I can put the bedding in the crib and start to assemble my little vision.  Until then, I'll keep searching for the perfect things to add to the room.

In other baby related news, we are embarking on the search for a daycare provider.  Awhile ago I compiled a list of in-home providers around our house and Kevin made phone calls about availability and general information.  Thinking about leaving our son with someone we hardly know while I go to work is so sad to me that I didn't want to keep searching.  It is inevitable though and luckily for us, it will only be 2 days a week.  I will get to stay home 2 days a week and Bubba will be watching him the other day I'm at work.  So the trek must go on and tomorrow we are meeting with the lady that Kevin and I both had the best feeling about.  I'm hoping she doesn't disappoint.  We have another interview scheduled with a different provider in a few weeks and if we don't find the perfect person to watch our son, we'll go back to the drawing board and find other providers to interview.  It's such a scary process and makes me sad that I can't stay home all the time with him.  Luckily actually putting him in daycare is still a long ways off and we have plenty of time to search for the perfect person!

There is so much more to share, but I'll save it for another post.  Until then, week "get stuff done" continues at the Trauscht household.  A week without heading out of town provides the perfect opportunity to get a few things checked off the to-do list before Baby Swan makes his arrival in October!

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