Friday, July 30, 2010

Things to learn

Things have been progressing in regards to Baby Swan's arrival.  The due date keeps getting closer and closer and while I see Kelsey's anxiety start to grow, I'm left experiencing the excitement in my own way.  I try to be the calm one and keep the understanding that there is still plenty of time to do what we need to, and if something were to suddenly happen, we have done enough preparation that if need be, I could run out and get everything we absolutely need in less than an hour and a half. :-)  That being said we still have a lot left we would like to do.

We had the nursery painted last week by a nice painting company called Frank's Father-In-Law Painting Services.  I like the company slogan the best:  "Frank will paint when Kevin is gone so Kelsey doesn't have to."  It's catchy and effective.  As always Frank did a great job and while we still have more painting to do in the upper level, at least the nursery can start coming together.  I'm not sure why we needed to paint to get it all started, but then again I'm not the one with the eye for design. :-)  In the next weeks we will be putting together Baby Swan's room and gathering everything we need for his arrival.

One thing we have to take care of are the baby classes.  Tomorrow is the instructional class on introductory baby teachings.  For me its not Baby 101, thanks to my sister and her kids.  But really, i didn't do too much taking care of the niece and nephew, more just playing with them.  So I guess this class is more like Baby 201.. an advance introductory course for first time parents.  I'm trying to approach it with an interest in learning what really has to go into taking care of a baby, but really I have all the confidence in the world in Kelsey, and I know that I have the support of a great family with numerous resources.  I'm not at all worried about screwing something up with the infancy stage, but I am worried about how I'm going to sit through these classes.  I'm just hoping they are put together well and that they don't turn off Kelsey as an unnecessary use of our time.  I will be paying attention as always, but I really would like to get some enjoyment out of them.  Perhaps if anything the classes will provide a reason to be more excited about Baby Swan's arrival.

Later in the month is the family shower from the Trauscht side at the Cabin.  I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and of course doing all the normal cabin stuff.  Otherwise all is normal on the home front from what I've heard.  I've been travelling a lot this week in order to be home next week.  Personally next week is my favorite week of the summer.  The 3M championship golf event starts next week and I get to play in the Pro-Am with my dad!  I remember watching him play in a number of them growing up and to play with him is a nice perk on an already fun event.  The draw party is Tuesday and we play on Thursday.  I hope I play well but I know that it will be memorable.  After that golf will probably start to take a back seat because my league will wrap up and before you know it we will be in September really getting ready for anything.  I'm predicting a September 28th arrival.  I think it's about time we start a pool for a birth date.  Should be fun!

We'll keep you posted.


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