Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So much to blog about!

Once again I haven't gotten to blog as often as I want, but too much is currently happening to not make time to blog about it.  I know someday I will very grateful for documenting what's going on in Ethan's life...even if it's not as often as I'd like.

First, we went on our first vacation to Florida!  I read a lot about traveling with an infant and felt like I was pretty prepared for the airport and airplane ride, it also doesn't hurt that I have a husband who travels frequently and has it down to a science as well.  We made sure Ethan was hungry and tired for the flight down and gave him a bottle as soon as we started down the runway.  I think he was sleeping before the plane even took off and slept for the first half hour of the flight.  Throughout the rest of the flight he played with Kevin and I and uncle Brian.  Once we started descending into Ft. Meyers we gave him another bottle and out he went again.  The flight home was a little more difficult because it was over bedtime, but it still went pretty smoothly and we lucked out and got to fly first class...so much more room to accommodate a baby!  Kevin got the task of changing a couple of poopy diapers during both flights and somehow managed to get it done in such a small space.  I had the pleasure of pumping in both airports since the flight was just long enough to not really make it without pumping, and bringing breast milk through security was no problem!  The trip was wonderful...we got lots of time outside enjoying beautiful weather!  Ethan loved wearing little clothing and having bare toes to chew on!  Kevin and Ethan went swimming a couple of times and Kevin got some golf in as well.  It definitely was a different trip with a baby along, but still enjoyed by all!  We are so thankful to Papa and Bubba for having us come to visit!

While in Florida Kevin and I also had plenty of time to finally establish a routine for Ethan before bed.  It was so nice to not be rushed getting home from work and getting settled and then trying to get ready for the next day.  We got Ethan into a routine of watching Wheel of Fortune, then taking a bath, getting lotioned up, nursing one last time and then heading to bed.  It was amazing to watch him settle into the routine and for bedtime to get a little easier, even if we were in a foreign place and he didn't sleep as well.  Kevin and I vowed to keep this routine going at home.

I have also been wavering back and forth about starting Ethan on solid food.  At his 4 month appointment with his new pediatrician we discussed the pros and cons to starting solids and she told me she doesn't see anything wrong with starting them before 6 months.  I still was wavering about when to start them, but decided when we got back from Florida Ethan was ready.  Ethan has been tracking our food for awhile and showing interest in anything edible, so I knew he was getting ready to start eating something of his own.  So Sunday we started some rice cereal...I was prepared to watch my precious liquid gold run down his chin and cover himself but was totally shocked when he just started scarfing it down.  Kevin couldn't feed him fast enough, he loved it!  Monday we made it a little thicker and the same thing happened, there wasn't a drop that touched his bib!  Today was the same story, ate every lost drop!  I think starting solids has also helped Ethan's nightly routine.  We're still watching Wheel of Fortune as a family, only difference is Ethan gets to eat his cereal while we watch.  Tonight he was almost falling asleep in his highchair after finishing the cereal!  After cereal, it's time for a bath, lotion, and a final nursing session.  Last night he fell asleep in the first 5 minutes of nursing and was out for the count at 8pm.  He didn't wake up until 4:30 this morning, I'll call that a success.  Tonight after almost falling asleep in his highchair Kevin and I were contemplating skipping the bath, but decided against it.  So the same routine and Ethan went down for the night at 7:50pm.  This is a huge change in our nightly routine.  Usually it takes a half hour of shushing, bouncing and pacing with Ethan to get him to go to sleep and then he sleeps great.  The past two nights there has been no shushing, walking or bouncing.  Just a quick nursing session and then into his crib he goes without a peep.  It's amazing!  I'm finally starting to see what life is like with a tiny bit of free time!  Here's to hoping that writing about it in the blog doesn't jinx what we have going on.

One last thing before this post becomes a novel.  On Sunday 3/13 Ethan rolled over from back to front for the first time.  He was close so many times in Florida but never actually did it, I think he didn't want to perform for the crowd cheering him on.  So, he decided to roll over when Kevin and I were busy fixing the kitchen table to have my family over for dinner; one minute he was on his back, the next Kevin looked over and he was on his tummy!  Today after I picked him up from daycare I had him on our bed on his back while I changed out of my work clothes, I looked over to see him rolling onto his tummy and then back to his back. How quickly he learns!  The mobility only continued as the night went on, while I was getting settled after work and dealing with bottles and pump parts I left Ethan on a blanket in the family room.  I could hear him playing and talking from the kitchen but couldn't see him.  When I went to check on him he had managed to roll a few feet from where I left him on the blanket and the rolling didn't stop all night!  Our little man no longer stays in one place...he's getting so big!

In a nutshell this is what's going on in the Trauscht household lately.  We've managed to survive a vacation with a 5 month old, started rice cereal, and have formed a nice little nighttime routine.  Mommy has also started to see glimpses of a few minutes of free time in the evening!  There is so much more to say and also a 5 month post to write, but it will have to wait for now.  It's time to sneak in my shower and get ready to head to bed!

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