It's amazing how fast time goes and how much can change in just a few weeks. Ethan today you are 2 weeks old, in some ways it feels like you've been part of our family forever and in others it seems like just yesterday we were welcoming you into the world. Either way, our lives are completely different in just those short 2 weeks. We are starting to establish some sort of a routine and as a mom I'm starting to feel like things are a little easier. I've long let go of the house being clean, although I'm still trying to make sure it's at least picked up, and I spend my days making sure you're taken care of instead. I'm starting to be able to have an idea for what's for dinner when Dad walks in the door, although making it is still presenting a challenge! I'm working hard at reinserting some of the normalcy to our lives, dinner on the table, showers taken, the house picked up, and everyone taken care doesn't always happen, but I'm trying. You and I though have definitely got some sort of a rhythm down for the day. You are an awesome baby and I really can't complain! You usually go to bed around 11 or 11:30pm, this is a little late for mom's liking, but I'm slowly adjusting. Once you're asleep (and you usually fight going to sleep a little) you sleep for 4-5 hours! I'm a lucky lady to get a solid stretch of sleep in. Then you wake up and either breastfeed or take a bottle of breast milk and are up for about an hour and then go back to bed for 2 hours. This morning you were pretty fussy from 4:30am to 6:30am when Daddy woke up for work, but you were never really awake. You were grunting and whimpering, but stayed asleep, so Daddy and I tried to sleep through it as well. You usually take a couple of good naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. By the time Daddy is home from work, you want to stay awake and hang out with him! As for sleeping you're still hanging out in your boppy and either sleeping next to Mommy on the couch during the day, or in the bassinet in Mommy and Daddy's room at night. Soon I think we'll start trying to wean you away from the boppy and eventually into your own crib! For now though, Mommy and Daddy like having you close at night!
You're eating every 2-3 hours and usually eat 2-3 ounces at a time. Mommy is still working on breastfeeding with seemed to not be satisfied if you're not eating from a bottle, but we're working on this. So mommy usually pumps and then feeds you the breast milk from a bottle. I'm hoping this will change, but for now it's what works and we're going with it. I'm working on reminding myself that I was planning on going into breastfeeding with an open mind and doing what works. As long as you're growing and are happy, I'm okay with where we are.
Over the past two weeks we've had several visitors and have made it out of the house a few times too. We've gone to Target, to the Doctor, to visit Aleks and Kade, Great-Grandma Cleo, Great-Grandma Doris, to get your newborn photos taken, we've even had lunch with Daddy and Auntie Katie at the office where Daddy got to show you off a little! Oh and we can't forget the ever important trip to Caribou! Getting ready and out of the house is getting easier. Today you gave Mommy the gift of getting to shower and do her hair, you just laid in your crib like a big boy looking at all of your stuffed animals! It's easier to make plans knowing that you do such an awesome job and like riding around in the car and seeing new things!
You've definitely brought a lot of joy to both Daddy and I and also all the other family! You are definitely everyone's favorite and everybody wants to see you and hold you as much as they can. Mommy and Daddy feel pretty lucky to have such great family to help out with the transition and you are lucky to be SO loved! Daddy is one special guy and we can't forget how much he does for both you and Mommy. After working all day he comes home ready to hang out with his little guy and help around the house anyway he can. He's awesome at giving Mommy a break when she needs it and doing exactly what Mommy needs, even if she doesn't know she needs it! Mommy loves seeing you with Daddy and knowing just how much he loves you. I can't imagine how hard it is for him to be at work all day and away from you! We are definitely lucky to have such a great guy to take care of us.
Baby definitely are a great addition to the family! Life before you seems like forever ago and I can't imagine not having you here. The addition of you has brought Mommy and Daddy closer together and made Mommy appreciate and love Daddy more than ever. The past two weeks have flown by and make me feel so lucky that I still have many weeks at home with you! You've started fussing...time for Mommy to be done and go take care of you!
Monday, October 25, 2010
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