As promised...a post about the nursery. As finished as it's going to be before Baby Swan makes his arrival, and finished just one day shy of being full-term. As most people know I like to search for things for the house, find ways to decorate and just change things up a bit. Also...most people know that I have trouble making decisions and trusting my gut, which usually means my house doesn't end up decorated the way I envisioned it because I couldn't commit. The nursery is a different story, I set out to make a gender neutral nursery despite which gender of child we were having, I also set out to finish it until I was happy with how it turned out. I managed to accomplish both goals. The nursery definitely has more of a boyish feel, but still is pretty gender neutral. It all started off with the bedding, which I have grown to love more and more as I decorated around it. I was going for a more modern feel which is definitely not usually my decorating taste, but I think the way the room ended up was the perfect blend of modern and traditional touches. I won't bore everyone with details of how I came to decide everything for the nursery that I have, there has been lots of thought and debating but in the end I stuck with what I was originally thinking and love how it turned out. There will definitely be more personal things added as we share Baby Swan's name, have pictures of our family and acquire more toys and baby gadgets, but for now with the addition of the is finished. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
Looking into the room from the doorway |
Another look into the room from the doorway, and of the fan as well! |
The glider corner, night stand and modern animal prints |
Green lamp, crib and bedding, and empty paper lanterns in place of the mobile |
Bookcase and toy/storage baskets |
Baby Swans closet! |
So the nursery is finished, I'm now 37 weeks and considered full term and the hospital bag is packed. Carseat bases will be added to the cars shortly and all we will have to do is sit and wait for Baby Swan to make his arrival. I have another appointment with the midwife tomorrow and will update if there is any change in what's going on. Otherwise it's just a waiting game in the Swan household!
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