Friday, April 23, 2010

Baby's First Blog Entry

Why in the world would we be blogging about a baby swan?  Well, for starters, I'm a swan.  Kelsey's a swan too.  I'm tall swan, and she's pretty swan.  Many couple's have pet names, and I guess we settled on Swan. :-)  It basically stemmed from the movie Billy Madison.  Billy is sitting in the tub playing with his shampoo and conditioner bottles.  He fights with them, and when they fall out of his hands he sits there, in the tub, stunned and suddenly looks over to the faucet shaped like a swan and says "Stop looking at me swan."  Kelsey has said that to me a few times, and I guess it stuck.

So the we are all Swans.  Kona has even been dubbed "Furry Swan."  And now we have a baby Swan on the way.  The Trauscht family is already entrenched in blogging, with my sister having the idea of recording all her thoughts and stories in blog form to help her remember how things were when her kids were at certain points in their life.  It seems like a good idea to me, and well, I figured I have to make Kelsey do it with  me.

At this point Baby Swan is just over 4 months along.  It has been an uneventful pregnancy so far.  Kelsey has avoided any morning sickness and other nasty first trimester occurrences.  We're counting down the days to our first ultrasound and hoping that Baby Swan isn't shy when it comes to taking pictures.  The more of an exhibitionist our kid can be, the better we'll feel.  We keep having people tell us its a boy, but honestly we have no feeling one way or another.  I would feel blessed if it is a healthy baby, but my preference would be a boy.  I seem to be having trouble saying "No" to little girls, and if a little curly blond haired girl is in my future I might as well admit defeat right now.  Otherwise I will continue to be patient and as the days go on I get more and more excited about it.

The way the blog is set to work is that I have to write an entry from my perspective, and then the next entry will be from Kelsey's point of view.  That way it might be a little easier to find something to write about if we play of each other.  She can comment on how I don't show any of these feelings that I write, and I can comment about how she is being such a great planner, an already wonderful mother to be, and an all around super wife.

Please enjoy our entries as they are mostly for our benefit, but also a great way to share fun stories and happenings in Baby Swans life.

-Dad to be.

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