Friday, July 29, 2011

A busy week for baby swan!

So I still haven't been that great at updating, but at least it hasn't been another 3 months.  I didn't even notice Kevin had posted until today!  That's what I get for never getting on the computer I guess.  So our little man is now 9.5 months old and up to a whole bunch of new things this week!  On Monday his 3rd tooth finally popped through...I still don't know if it's his side tooth or canine, but it's there.  Ethan is stellar at not letting us get into his mouth to really check it out, the other night he fell asleep in my arms so I thought I'd hit prime time to check it out, but nope...he woke up and quickly pursed his lips!  So in due time I guess we'll find out which tooth it is and have to report back.  He is working on the same tooth on the other side as well as his front 2 teeth, so we have a little teething ahead of us.  The last time he got teeth he slept pretty poorly, this time around little man is sleeping like a champ but a little cranky when he's awake.  It's all relative though because our "cranky" boy is pretty tame compared to other kids I know.

In other big news...Ethan took his first steps on Tuesday!  I usually have Tuesdays off, but of course this was the one Tuesday I was scheduled to work so off to daycare Ethan went.  When I arrived at daycare Debbie kept telling Ethan to do his new trick for me.  After he wouldn't do it, I finally asked "what is he doing?" to which Debbie quickly responded "he stands up....and then just starts walking!"  I was shocked to hear this and thought Debbie was pulling my leg at first.  No way did our little man learn to stand up without holding on to anything and start walking in a day, but sure enough he did.  While Debbie and I sat talking Ethan finally showed off, he just popped up and took 8 steps!  The most Debbie had seen prior to that was 6, so at least he saved his longest stretch yet for me!  I've managed to get a video of his standing up on his own, but haven't caught the walking on tape yet.  He still definitely prefers to crawl and I think sometimes even forgets he knows how to stand and walk, but I'm confident before too long Kevin and I will be running after him!

In less exciting, but for the sake of documenting news...I need to post what 9 months has brought for our little man.  We're going on about month 2 of absolutely no nursing for Ethan and only pumping for's gotten easier and I've managed to continue to match Ethan's intake so far, so I'll keep going and hope we can make it to a year without needing to supplement with formula.  We'll see how it goes since recently I'm struggling to match Ethan, but continuing to pump anyway!  We have about a month's worth of milk in the freezer and the Dr. said we could start supplementing with whole milk around 11 months, so here goes nothing!  He's usually drinking between 20-25 ounces of milk a day...4 or 5 5-6 ounce bottles!  We're also working on adding in more finger foods and slowly cutting out purees.  With teething this has gone a little slower than expected, but still a work in progress.  Ethan's also getting pretty good at drinking out of a sippy cup, the kid loves his little bit of apple juice and water!

We also had Ethan's 9 month check up last week and everything came out great!  He is 30" long which puts him in the 90th percentile and 20 pounds 10 ounces which puts him at the 50th percentile...he is still rocking the huge head with 18.75" and 95th percentile!  He has to have room to fit that huge brain of his!

In sleeping news I can finally report Ethan is finally consistently sleeping through the night!  Bedtime is usually between 8-8:30pm, but moving up earlier as the month goes on.  Lately we've been doing bath around 7pm, bottle around 7:30pm and in bed around 7:45-8pm.  He usually sleeps until 6:30-7am, sometimes on my days off I get lucky and he sleeps until 7:30am or so!  He is still consistently taking 2 naps a day...usually an hour each, but sometimes more like 1.5 or 2 hours.  Napping at daycare is still a struggle, I think Ethan has figured out if he refuses to nap in his crib, Debbie will rock him and snuggle him!  Way more fun than sleeping in the crib!

So that's what's happening in our world.  I'll try to post more frequently about all the fun things we are doing!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Far too long, far too hot

Yep, too many months have gone by without being able to update our stories of Ethan.  I'll do my part here to try and get caught up.

The time really does go by quick when you really are just trying to capture the little things in your child's life.  I want to experience everything I can with Ethan and Kelsey as a family, but there really aren't enough hours in the day to make this happen.  Ethan has been as great of a kid as I could have ever dreamed of.  The teething stages, the personality development, and the physical growth, are great because just being able to experience these things is something i have been anticipating for a long time.  I love walking in his room in the morning and seeing him smile because "Dada's" there to get him ready for daycare.  It's our special time and it's something that I look forward to every chance i get.

He really has grown up a lot and Kelsey and I have experienced some learning points as well.  We're getting to know when his funks are because he's such a good kid that anything that comes as out of whack usually means an adjustment.  Uprooting him from his schedule causes some changes, but nothing that isn't usually worth the reason for the schedule changes (cabin trips mostly).  His eating is under control, the one year mark isn't that far off and that means a big change for Kelsey and Ethan (bye bye breast milk for the most part) and it just signifies more growing.

He is such a ham, our kid.  He loves to do his tricks, but only when everyone is watching.  I can see now how little Trauscht kids (Johnson's too) love to be the center of attention.  With so many interested family members how can you not love all the attention?

His reaction to the word "No" is something that i can't help but smile at.  No matter how much we don't want Ethan to climb into the dog bed, eat dog bones, eat dog food, (mini theme there?) or pull on cords, i can't help but smile when he gives that devilish look of "Oh yeah? You say no, but i say YES!!" and then does whatever "No" is directed to.  It doesn't help to laugh when you're trying to discipline your kid.  Something i need to learn a little more about in the upcoming months i'm sure. :-)

I'll always remember his initial reaction to power tools / motors.  He can't take his eyes of the lawn mowers and when the neighbor's leaf blower or chainsaws start he's craning his neck to see where that noise is coming from.  He cheered Kelsey on while she mowed the lawn one day.  Never once flinching or acting scared from the noisy motor!

He likes boat rides OK.  He is still iffy on swimming in the lakes coming from the boat into the cool water, but if you ease him into the water from the shore he has no problems.  I say he only likes boat rides because if he's just riding along he can be content, but his real love lies in the fact that he wants to DRIVE the boat.  He laughs, cheers and is such a goof when he's got a hold of that steering wheel.  I think we might have to bring one of those fake drivers ed portable steering wheels to keep him satisfied and the rest of us safe!  (He's not the world's best driver yet, something to shoot for!)  Here's a picture:

So we're still growing, still adjusting, and all while enjoying our little dude as he continues to make us smile.  Here's hoping we'll have enough time to update in the future.

Until then, hope everyone is doing well!